Nurse Notes
Here are some reminders from our school nurse, Nurse Sullivan:
If your child has a fever over 100.0, vomits and/or has diarrhea PLEASE keep them at home until they are free from vomiting and/or diarrhea and fever for 24 hours WITHOUT the use of fever reducing medication.
Please keep your child's emergency card up to date. If your child gets sick or injured at school, these cards are our means of contacting you without delay. Please make prompt arrangements to pick up your child when the school notifies you that your child is ill. Pick up should be in less than one hour.
Any medication to be administered to a student must be brought to the school by the parent/guardian in the original container. Please do not send medication with your child.
The “Request for Administration of Medication In Hampton Roads Schools” form must be completed and signed by the physician and parent for any medicine to be administered during school hours.
Proper hand washing and sanitizing is the number one way to prevent the spread of germs at home, at school or work, while navigating your everyday activities, and when receiving health care. Good hand hygiene prevents diarrhea, strep throat, the flu, and many other illnesses caused by bacteria and viruses. Wash frequently. Handwashing will ensure health and wellness for yourself and those around you.
If you have any questions or need assistance please contact Nurse Sullivan at 757-934-6214 ext.1.