• Welcome to Hillpoint Elementary School, where we are the LEADERS OF THE PACK! We are delighted to welcome you and your family into our school community and look forward to forming a lasting partnership that will enhance your child’s school experience. At Hillpoint, we are committed to excellence by creating an educational environment that promotes critical thinking skills, creative thinking skills, collaboration, citizenship, and communication skills all while ensuring students are actively engaged in learning. Your support promotes our value of education and we can’t accomplish any of our successes without you.

    As an integral part of our home and school partnership, we welcome all parents at our school. With that being said, we encourage you to become involved as active participants in our school events, programs, and classroom activities. There are many opportunities throughout the year in which you may support your child and our school.

    Thank you in advance for your commitment in supporting your child at home with homework and projects. Ensuring that your child has a quiet place to study and reinforce skills learned in the classroom will put them on the path to success. Additionally, reading every night for 20 minutes is imperative to growing your child academically.

    As we embark upon this journey of learning through our partnership, I am honored to stand beside you for the betterment of every student and our entire school community. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact any staff member for assistance. We look forward to a wonderful year of teaching and learning!



    Dr. Kristal Taylor, Ed.D. Principal

  • Administration
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