District Home
  • Current Students:
    Request your transcript using your Parchment account. Please allow seven school days for processing. Please allow fourteen days processing after receipt of Academic Resume for letters of recommendation. If you request your transcript over a weekend or holiday, processing may take longer.

    Recent graduates: (2015-present)
    Use your Parchment account to request your transcript. If you do not have one, sign up for one at the link below. Please allow seven school days for processing. If you request your transcript over a weekend or holiday, processing may take longer.

    Former Students: (Graduates 2005-2014)
    Request your transcript using Parchment or email a request to Mrs. Williams with your name during high school, date of birth, graduation year, and contact person or department and address of the school or business that you want the transcript to be sent. You may also download the form from Parchment and email it to Mrs. Williams  or fax it to 757-538-5430.

    Parchment Website

    Parchment Quick Start FAQ

    Graduates before 2005:
    Please request transcripts in writing from the Suffolk Public Schools Maintenance Records Department (phone:757-934-6206 , or Fax: 757-925-5703).

    Lost your Diploma?? 
    Request your diploma by emailing a request to Mrs. Williams with your name during high school, date of birth, graduation year, and contact information that you want the diploma to be sent. Contact Counseling: Mrs. Williams  or fax it to 757-538-5430 with your payment of $30.00.