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  • Repair Fees for Student Check Out Devices

    Damage to student Chromebooks has a significant financial impact on Suffolk Public Schools in parts and labor. This damage ranges from cracked displays, damaged keyboards, case damage, to complete destruction.  Normal wear and tear is defined as: expected depreciation that results from daily use not damage as a result of neglect or abuse. Normal wear and tear is as follows: case, keyboard, mouse pad, hinges and other external parts may show light wear and/or light scratches and marks, but no structural cracks or flaws. Neglect or abuse is as follows: cracks in the display, case, covers or hinges, missing or damaged keyboard keys, damaged ports, paint or other markings not from the school district, damage to the camera, damage to the charger, liquid damage, thermal damage, or any other damage that was due to neglect or abuse.  

    Users should take appropriate care and precautions to ensure the longevity of the school-issued Chromebook. Best practices are: power the device off when not in use, place it in a sleeve or other case to protect it while it is not being used, do not use it near food or liquids, keep it clean, don’t leave it in a hot or cold location, place it in a secure location when it is not in use, and only use the original charger to charge the device.

    Alterations of any form are not considered normal wear and tear. Drops, spills, and liquid immersion are not considered normal wear and tear.

    The repair/replacement fee will be charged to every student who has a damaged device.  The purpose is to offset the replacement costs of providing repairs or replacement to student-issued Chromebooks.

    All students with a damaged device will be charged a $25.00 fee for each occurrence. This fee includes replacement chargers.

    Students who have lost their device and do not have a police report indicating the device was stolen will be charged $100.00.

    Students who have damaged the Chromebook beyond repair will be charged a $100.00 fee.

    A student with a Chromebook damaged in a house fire or other natural disaster must return the damaged device in order for the lost/stolen fee to be waived.

    Students who are withdrawing from Suffolk Public Schools will be charged as described above if they return a damaged device for $25.00 or fail to return the device for $100.00.

    Warranty related issues will not incur any charges.

    All fees will be collected at the school level and remitted to the Suffolk Public Schools Finance Department. 

    Students that do not pay the damage fee will not be permitted to take the Chromebook home.  Loaners will be limited.

    Schools may choose to waive fees for students. However, those fees will be deducted from the school allocation.