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  • General division-wide procedures for elementary pick-up and drop-off include the following: 

    Student drop-off time is 9:00 a.m. Do not pass cars at the drop-off line.

      • All traffic should move in the same direction.
      • Do not enter the bus ramp.
      • Drive slowly and watch for pedestrians and students exiting cars.
      • Please have students exit the car nearest the sidewalk/entrance.
      • The school day begins at 9:25 a.m. Students are tardy after 9:25 a.m. 
      • Any student arriving after 9:25 a.m. must be escorted by a parent or guardian to the main entrance to be signed in.
      • Do not park in the fire lane as this may result in a ticket.
      • The school day ends at 3:50 P.M.
      • If a student requires early dismissal for an appointment and/or family emergency, he/she must be signed out before 3:45 pm. Students being picked up after 3:45 will not be dismissed until 4:20.
    • Students who will be car riders are asked to register for car rider tags/placards.
      • Families will receive two parent placards and one student book bag tag with matching identification numbers for each family to ensure student safety.
      • Parents must have the car rider tag visible.
      • Daily for student pick up (front mirror of the vehicle).
      • Please ensure the corresponding smaller car rider tag number is on the student’s backpack.
      • Parents must be prepared to show their driver’s license for identification.
      • Only individuals on the car rider registration form will be allowed to pick up the student.
      • Students will not be allowed to switch back and forth between the bus and car rider programs.

    • Bus Tagging Procedures:
      • There will be a universal tagging system for Pre-K and K students riding the school bus. This will allow for easy identification of these students. That way when a substitute drives the bus they know to deliver these students to an adult at the bus stop. These tags will be used all year long and provided to each elementary school. 

    Parents with questions regarding drop-off or pick-up procedures can contact their child’s school or Suffolk Public Schools Transportation Department.