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  • Paul D. Camp Dual Enrollment

    Summer/Fall Individual Course Registration:
    Find attached the Summer Course Flyer and Remote Registration Form.  Students wishing to register for classes will need to submit the Registration form that is signed by a Parent indicating the parents’ consent and understanding about the financial obligation.
    Mrs. Wachsmann will come to NRHS to meet with students and assist them in choosing and registering for courses for Summer and Fall.  This is primarily for students who know they would like to work toward a transfer certificate or degree.  DE students are unable to register themselves due to an advising hold on their record. Meeting with them allows Mrs. Wachsmann to advise them appropriately as the move through their program of study Camp. 

    Student Placement Policy Changes and Updates:
    Find attached the official Camp Community College DE Placement policy.  VCCS schools will no longer be using the VPT for placement, but will instead use a multi-measure approach to placement.  Students can qualify using their cumulative GPA and Algebra 2 grades as well as their SAT, ACT, or PSAT scores to qualify.  Find attached the new policy for reference and review.  
    The policy for rising Sophomore students has changed slightly and will now require students to have earned a 3.0 cumulative GPA instead of a 3.5.  Students will continue to need to document their GPA with an unofficial transcript (submitted by NRHS) and will need to complete the 400-500 word essay, both of which must be submitted to the DE Coordinator prior to the student beginning DE courses.  

    Fall 2022 Applications and Documentation:
    When students are filling out the application, please remind them to include their personal email address or email that can be accessed in your schools on devices provided by the school systems and the student’s cell phone number if possible instead of that of a parent of guardian. 

    Students: it is important that students are encouraged to log in to MyCamp and set their Multifactor Authentication at the completion of their application.  When the student receives their acceptance confirmation upon submission of the application,  they are supplied with their Username and a temporary password to log in to their accounts.  Please ask them to use that provided information to log in and set their password, challenge questions and MFA. (Within 24 hours)    Using the given information makes the log in process much easier for students.  The student should record their username and EMPIL ID number for future use. 
    Please be sure to send copies of the Parental Consent and FERPA forms to be submitted to jwachsmann@pdc.edu & mary-lindacruey@spsk12.net.  Returning students do not need to resubmit that information again.