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  • How Can Parents Email Their Child’s Teacher?

    • The email addresses of a child’s teachers are available to parents at Home Access Center (HAC).
    • Click here to open the Home Access Center (HAC) info page.
    • Signing up for a Home Access Center (HAC) account provides valuable information for families. It shares grades, email addresses, schedules, attendance, transcripts and state test scores. Parents can also update their own email address and phone numbers on HAC so teachers can also reach them.

Staff Directory

  • The faculty and staff at King’s Fork would like to welcome you to your school.  We are all dedicated to providing your students with a rewarding and enriching academic experience.  The success of your student begins at home.  We would like to thank our parents and guardians for encouraging good study habits, good sleep habits, appropriate behavior and regular attendance.  We further encourage you to remain involved in your student’s academic success throughout high school.  Toward that end, below is a list of faculty members, by department.    Please feel free to contact your student’s teacher with any concerns, questions or praise about an assignment.  We look forward to partnering with each of you in making our student body successful, productive members of society.  Every day is a great day to be a BULLDOG!

    How Can Parents Email Their Child’s Teacher?

    • The email addresses of a child’s teachers are available to parents at Home Access Center (HAC).
    • Click here to open the Home Access Center (HAC) info page.
    • Signing up for a Home Access Center (HAC) account provides valuable information for families. It shares grades, email addresses, schedules, attendance, transcripts and state test scores. Parents can also update their own email address and phone numbers on HAC so teachers can also reach them.


    Ms. Christy Brown  -English 11
    Ms. Lindsey Lotz - English 10, English 11
    Ms. Kerri Wyman - Pre IB English 9, Honors English 9, IB TOK, Service Learning
    Ms. Caroline Lamagna - IB English 12, IB English 11, Honors English 12, Creative Writing
    Ms. Shelby Webster - English 9, English 10
    Ms. Kimblyn Moore- English 12, Public Speaking, Teacher Cadet 1, 2
    Ms. Kathy Rice - English 10, English 11, English 12
    Ms. Christina Gordon- English11, H. English 11
    Ms. Reanna Langert - English 10
    Ms. Hannah Millette - Theatre Arts
    Ms. Kara Dorsey
    - Honors English 10, Pre IB English 10, AP Literature
    Ms. Crystal Byrd - English 12
    Ms. Chirlene Mitchell- English 12,PreIB English 10, AP Language, Journalism
    Ms. Monica Smith - English 9
    Ms. Peyton Henderson  - English 9


    Ms. Jacqueline Eberly -  VA/US History, AP US History, Honors VA/US
    Ms. Lindsy Keller- World History I, VA/US History
    Mr. Sean Connally - VA/US History, Sociology, Government
    Ms. Abigail Stopyra - World History I
    Dr. Amanda Carmelitano  - IB World History I, IB Psychology 11,12;  H. World Hist. I
    Ms. Sarah Crowder - World History II, Honors World History II, AP World History
    Mr. James Devore - Psychology, AP Psychology, VA/US History
    Ms. Shameka Council - World History I, VA/US History
    Ms. Carlotta Boone - World History I, African-American Studies
    Ms. Allison White - IB History 11, IB History 12, PreIB AP Govt., AP Government, Government
    Ms. Tanika Coles- Government
    Mr. Byron Hinton - Government
    Mr. Rodney Walker - World History 2


    Mrs. Tonya Bangley- Ecology, IB Biology 11, 12
    Mrs. Amanda Griffin - Chemistry
    Mrs. Sharon Criner - Pre IB Chemistry, IB Chemistry 11 &12, Honors Chemistry, Chemistry
    Mr. Steve Marshall - Oceanography
    Dr. Dwight Buchholz - IB Biology, Honors Biology, Biology
    Mrs. Ann Bailey - Earth Science
    Ms. Pamela Wilson -Anatomy & Physiology, Environmental Science
    Ms. Sara Butler -Environmental Science, Earth Science
    Ms. Michaela Ricks-Johnson - Biology, Anatomy & Physiology
    Ms. Aria Pimienta - Biology, Anatomy & Physiology
    Ms. Samantha Wasem - Earth Science, Physics, IB Physics
    Virtual VA - Mr. Cody Dickens (Facilitator) - Sociology, Environmental Science, Ecology


    Mr. Daniel Elfguinn – H. Alg2/Trig, AFDA
    Ms. Jodi Zila - Algebra I, Alg. 1 Pt. 1 & 2
    Ms. Sandra Fennell – Algebra II, Honors Alg. 2/Trig
    Mr. William Ford – Geometry,PreIB Geometry, Honors Geometry
    Ms. Kivondra Gibson –Algebra I, Computer Science Foundations, AP Computer Science
    Mr. Justin Taylor - Geometry
    Ms. Melinda Richmond - Probability & Statistics, IB Math Studies 11 & 12, AFDA  
    Ms. Hannah Pendleton – Geometry, Data Science
    Ms. Shirley Proctor – Algebra Functions and Data Analysis
    Ms. Jessica Ross - Algebra 1
    Ms. Queyera Bagley -Alg. 1 Pt. 1, Alg. 1 Pt. 2
    Ms. Payton Guinn - Math Analysis, AFDA, IB Math

    Foreign Language

    Ms. Kimberly Seavey - French 1, 2, 3 Pre IB French 2
    Ms. Dolores Vega - Pre-IB Spanish 3, IB Spanish 4, IB Spanish 5, Spanish 3
    Ms. Christina Havlin - French 1, IB French 4, IB French 5, Service Learning 
    Ms. Tia Barkley- Spanish 1, Spanish 2
    Ms. Luz Bonet - Spanish 2, 3, Pre IB Spanish 2, IB Spanish ab initio SL, H. Span 4 & 5
    Ms. Latisha Smith  - Spanish 1, Spanish 2

    Physical Education

    Mr. Richard Froemel - PE 10, Adaptive PE
    Ms. Jazmyne Johnson- PE 10
    Mr. Ryan Dickens- PE 10
    Ms. Kimberly Bradford- PE 9
    Mr. Austin Kulp - PE 9, Advanced PE, Health Science
    Ms. Kenisha Watkins- PE 9

    Career & Technical Education

    Mr. Andrew Riddick- Agriculture
    Ms. Rosemarie Womack - EPF, Business Management
    Ms. Cynthia Crandol - Education for Employment 1, 2, Economics & Personal Finance
    Mr. Michael Minix - Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategic Marketing, Entrepreneurship
    Ms. Autumn Heart- Fashion Marketing, Marketing
    Mr. Irvin Ricks - Basic Technical Drawing, Engineering Drawing, Architectural Drawing
    Ms. Gwendolyn Wilson -  Independent Living, Introduction to Fashion
    Ms. Emily Cross- Economics & Personal Finance
    Mr. San Antonio Crosby - Digital Visualization, Communication Systems, Tech Foundations
    Mr. Jaleel Nelson- Economics & Personal Finance, Digital Applications
    Ms. Luwona Ward  - Nutrition & Wellness, Independent Living
    Ms. S. Michelle Duncan - Tech Foundations, Tech Transfer
    Ms. Teknika Holloman - Credit Recovery/Alternative Education
    Ms. Sharon Copeland  - Economics & Personal Finance, Computer Information Systems 
    Ms. Waikiki Frazier - Business Law, EPF

    Fine Arts

    Ms. Sarah Rhodes - Art 1, 2, Drawing
    Ms. Sara Jordan - Orchestra, IB Music, Adaptive Music, Guitar
    Mr. Dante Copeland - Chorus, Music Appreciation/Theory
    Mr. Bernard Bradley- Band, Guitar
    Ms. Sarah Patton- Art 1, Art 2,   IB Art 11/12, Painting

    IB Coordinator

    Ms. Shawn Barnard

    Special Education

    Ms. Lisa Geyer
    Ms. Ella Anderson
    Ms. Aimee DeBusk
    Ms. Sarah Porter
    Ms. Lori Wilson
    Ms. Chaquita Kindred
    Ms. Vernise Hyman
    Ms. Johanna Morse
    Mr. Daniel Armstrong
    Ms. Kier Holland
    Mr. Gemonta Jackson
    Ms.  Jimi Monroe
    Mr. Laray Kindred
    Mr. Rashod Lowry
    Ms. Jacqueline Miller
    Mr. Darrell Reese
    Ms. Lori Wilson
    Ms. Cynthia Kane
    Mr. Gregory McNair

    Teaching Assistants

    Tia Mayo-Minns
    David Mendez
    Ginger Howell
    Debbie Jones
    Patricia Johnson
    Jacqueline Dudley
    Darlene Simpson
    William Bethea
    Donald Motley
    Shaka Baity
    Deborah Stephenson
    Richard Hite

    Security and Intervention Support

    Jacqueline Gray
    Michael Kilburn
    Tanisha Bullock
    Genesis Jacobs
    Kenneth Johnson
    Denita Baker
    Wyatt Stuck
    Anthony Cook Moore


    Mrs. Cassandra Requizo -All IB and Special Program Students
    Mr. Aaron Russell -Students E - Jones
    Ms. Alicia Hurdle -Students Jor - Rid
    Mrs Renea Coley -Students A - D
    Ms. Denise Singleton -Students Rie - Z

    Graduation Coach

    Ms. Angela Bell

    Library/Media Specialists

    Ms. Bonnie Wagner
    Ms. Amy Callis

    School Nurses

    Mrs. Heather Loushe

    Ms. Charlotte Kirkman