Results of the Earlier School Year Start Survey
Posted on 10/18/2022

This information aims to summarize the results from the Earlier School Year Start Survey administered to Parents, Students (Grades 8-12), Staff, and Community Members from September 2022 to October 2022. The deadline for responding to the survey was Sunday, October 9, 2022.
- All respondents were asked to provide feedback about their perceptions of starting the school year before the September Labor Day Holiday.
- A total of 5,800 surveys were completed. This information summarizes the findings from this survey for each stakeholder group.
- There was a total of 5,800 survey responses from the division’s stakeholders, which included parents (2,813), students (1,561), staff (1,377), and community members (49).
- 53% of all survey respondents indicated that they did not believe the school year should start earlier than Labor Day. Students (64%) were the group with the most significant percentage indicating that the year should not start earlier, followed by staff members (51%). Community members were the only group to indicate that the school year should start before Labor Day, with 55 percent indicating this.
Results of the Earlier School Year Start Survey (Suffolk Public Schools)