Per the Virginia Literacy Act, each local school board shall post, maintain, and update as necessary on each school board’s website a copy of its division wide literacy plan and the job description and contact information for any reading specialist employed by such school division pursuant to subsection G of § 22.1-253.13:2 and for any dyslexia specialist employed by such school division The Department shall post each division wide literacy plan on its website.
Reading Specialists/Dyslexia Advisor Contact Information
School | Name | Position | Email Address |
SAO | Sarah Mohr | District Dyslexia Advisor | sarahmohr@spsk12.net |
BTWES | Christy Whitener | Reading Specialist | christywhitener@spsk12.net |
BTWES | Jenny Owens | Reading Specialist | jennyowens@spsk12.net |
CES | Penny Napier | Reading Specialist | pennynapier@spsk12.net |
EFES | Heather Freitag | Reading Specialist | heatherfreitag@spsk12.net |
EFES | Nadine O’Brien | Reading Specialist | nadineobrien@spsk12.net |
FBES | Holly Pentecost | Reading Specialist | hollypentecost@spsk12.net |
HES | LaToya McGriff | Reading Specialist | latoyamcgriff@spsk12.net |
HES | Kerry Patterson | Reading Specialist | kerrypatterson@spsk12.net |
KSES | Ania Carr | Reading Specialist | aniacarr@spsk12.net |
MBJES | Heather Hudgins | Reading Specialist | heatherhudgins@spsk12.net |
MBJES | Janice Parham | Reading Specialist | janiceparham@spsk12.net |
NPES | Doniece Sessoms | Reading Specialist | doniecesessoms@spsk12.net |
NSES | Carmen Wilson | Reading Specialist | carmenwilson@spsk12.net |
OES | Rebecca Knight | Reading Specialist | rebeccaknight@spsk12.net |
SWES | Patricia Littlefield | Reading Specialist | patricialittlefield@spsk12.net |
KFMS | Stephanie Alston | Reading Specialist | stephaniealston@spsk12.net |