• The Job is Voluntary, The Commitment is Professional!

    All SPS volunteers should execute:

    • DEPENDABILITY: Be responsible for your scheduled times and notify the school if you are not able to meet your commitments.
    • RESPECT FOR AUTHORITY: Respect the authority of the school and the school administration.
    • CONFIDENTIALITY: Do not discuss matters concerning students with anyone but the designated school staff.
    • IMPARTIALITY: Do not favor any side or party in school situations.
    • OBJECTIVITY: Do not allow your personal feelings to enter into your work as a volunteer.
    • APPEARANCE: Dress appropriately, always remembering that you are setting an example for students.

    Volunteers should sign in at the school's main office and receive a volunteer or visitor badge each time they visit a school. Volunteers work under the direction and supervision of school personnel and should know and follow school policies and rules. All volunteers will:

    • Report to the office to sign in and out
    • Obtain and wear an identification badge provided by the school while volunteering.
    • Wear appropriate attire for service and working with students.
    • Follow the directions of school staff, recognizing that instructing, supervising, grading, and disciplining students is the responsibility of the school staff.
    • Work collaboratively with school staff to develop and choose appropriate activities aligned with your talents.
    • Communicate with designated staff members to obtain clear expectations and give feedback on volunteer activities.
    • Adhere to the Suffolk Public Schools' Code of Conduct and Volunteer Guidelines in the SPS Volunteer Program Handbook.
    • Adhere to the Volunteer Confidentiality Policy located in the SPS Volunteer Program Handbook.