Article XXIII - Cell Phone Free Education
Section 6-23.1 Definitions. —
As used in this Article:
“Bell-to-Bell” means from when the first bell rings at the start of the school day to begin instructional time until the dismissal bell rings at the end of the academic school day. “Bell-to bell” includes lunch and time in between class periods.
“Cell Phone-Free Education” means the age-appropriate elimination or restriction of cell phones and other personal electronic communication devices in public schools.
“Cell phone” means a portable electronic device capable of making and receiving calls, sending and receiving text messages, capable of connecting to a smart phone, the internet, a cellular or Wi-Fi network, or directly connects to another similar device, regardless of whether or not the phone is connected to a network to provide phone service. It encompasses any handheld device that falls under this description, including smart watches, smart glasses, personal headphones, laptops, tablets, and other personal electronic communication devices, including virtual reality headsets and devices. It does not encompass any items issued by the school division such as computers or tablets.
“Instructional time” means any structured or unstructured learning experiences that occur from when the first bell rings at the start of the school day until the dismissal bell rings at the end of the academic school day.
“Personal Electronic Communication Device” means any personal device capable of connecting to a smart phone, the internet, a cellular or Wi-Fi network, or directly connects to another similar device. Personal electronic communication devices may include some wearable devices such as smart watches, as well as personal headphones, laptops, tablets, and other future personal electronic communication devices with the abovementioned characteristics.
“School day” means the entire school day including class time, instructional hours, recess, lunch, study hall, and passing time, and it includes while on school premises, field trips and other off-campus school sponsored activities.
“Storage” or “stored” means a cell phone or personal electronic communication device not being carried on the student’s person, including not in the student’s pocket. Schools could choose to define as storage options include, but are not limited to, in the student’s backpack, in the student’s locker, in a locked pouch, or in a designated place in the classroom.
“Dual-purpose watch” means a wearable smartwatch that allows users to accomplish a variety of tasks, including making phone calls, sending text messages and reading email.
Section 6-23.2. Elementary Schools (K-5) cell phones prohibited; limited exceptions; use of school buses; communicating non-emergency and emergency needs. —
A. Cell phones and all other personal electronic communication devices may not be used by elementary students within the school building or on school grounds during the school day but are to be stored as provided for by the elementary school.
B. If requested by a student’s parent or guardian, Suffolk Public Schools may allow use of a cell phone or other personal electronic communication device by an elementary student during the school day when
(1) the student has a medical condition that requires use of a cell phone or other personal electronic communication device during the school day;
(2) the student has an Individualized Education Program, 504 Plan, or Health Plan that specifies use of a cell phone or other personal electronic device during the school day;
(3) the student uses an electronic communication device for translation services; or
(4) to deny the student use of a cell phone or other personal electronic communication device during the school day would result in injury to the student’s health, safety or normal development.
Unless one of the listed exceptions applies, elementary students are not allowed to use cell phones or other personal electronic communication devices within school buildings or school grounds during the school day.
C. Elementary students may make use of cell phones or other electronic devices when they are being transported to school and from school on school buses provided the device does not distract the driver, compromise safety, or violate the Prohibited Content and Use for All Students provisions found in Section 6-23.5. However, this does not include use of cell phones or other personal electronic communication devices when students are being transported to and from field trips.
D. Students, parents and educators are allowed to use school-based communication tools and platforms (whether in the office, classroom, or other centralized location) to communicate non-emergency and emergency needs during the school day and during instructional time. Each elementary school is required to develop a family-based emergency plan that will clearly indicate how parents and students will communicate in the event of an emergency or non-emergency situation.
Section 6-23.3. Middle Schools (Grade 6-8) cell phones prohibited with limited exceptions; storage requirement; when cell phone use is permitted; communicating non-emergency and emergency needs; special requirements for co-curricular and extra-curricular activities; developmentally appropriate guidance. —
A. Middle school students are not allowed to make use of cell phones or other personal electronic communication devices during the bell-to-bell school day, unless requested by the student’s parent or guardian when
(1) the student has a medical condition that requires use of a cell phone or other personal electronic communication device during the school day;
(2) the student has an Individualized Education Program, 504 Plan, or Health Plan that specifies use of a cell phone or other personal electronic device during the school day;
(3) the student uses an electronic communication device for translation services; or
(4) to deny the student use of a cell phone or other personal electronic communication device during the school day would result in injury to the student’s health, safety or normal development.
Unless one of the listed exceptions applies, middle school students are not allowed to use cell phones or other personal electronic communication devices within school buildings or school grounds during the school day.
B. If cell phones or personal electronic communication devices are brought to school, middle school students must have them stored as provided for by the middle school and turned off during bell-to-bell school day. Dual-purpose watches may be worn at school, but wireless/cellular features must be turned off during the school day (e.g., must be placed in airplane mode).
C. Middle school students are allowed to use cell phones and other personal electronic communication devices on school buses, within the school building, and on school grounds either before and after the school day, and at school sponsored athletic events provided when used on a school bus the device does not distract the driver, compromise safety, or violate the Prohibited Content and Use for All Students provisions found in Section 6-23.5. However, this does not include use of cell phones and other personal electronic communication devices while on school sponsored field trips. When the first bell sounds, all cell phones and other personal communication devices must be properly stored as required by the middle school.
D. Students, parents and educators are allowed to use school-based communication tools and platforms (whether in the office, classroom, or other centralized location) to communicate non-emergency and emergency needs during the school day and during instructional time. Each middle school is required to develop a family-based emergency plan that will clearly indicate how parents and students will communicate in the event of an emergency or non-emergency situation.
E. Educators and all co-curricular and extra-curricular sponsors must use non-social media based apps during school hours for communications with students regarding school activities and the scheduling of athletic events.
F. All middle schools are required to offer middle school students developmentally appropriate guidance and support on the appropriate use of school-issued technology devices, educational apps, and educational tools for academic (both classroom and homework assignments) and for educational research purposes.
Section 6-23.4. High Schools (Grade 9-12) cell phones prohibited with limited exceptions; storage requirement; when cell phone use is permitted; communicating non-emergency and emergency needs; special requirements for co-curricular and extra-curricular activities; developmentally appropriate guidance. —
A. High school students are not allowed to make use of cell phones or personal electronic communication devices during the bell-to-bell school day, unless requested by the student’s parent or guardian when
(1) the student has a medical condition that requires use of a cell phone or other personal electronic communication device during the school day;
(2) the student has an Individualized Education Program, 504 Plan, or Health Plan that specifies use of a cell phone or other personal electronic device during the school day;
(3) the student uses an electronic communication device for translation services; or
(4) to deny the student use of a cell phone or other personal electronic communication device during the school day would result in injury to the student’s health, safety or normal development.
Unless one of the listed exceptions applies, elementary students are not allowed to use cell phones or other personal electronic communication devices within school buildings or school grounds during the school day.
B. If cell phones or other personal electronic communication devices are brought to school, high school students must have them stored as provided for by the high school and turned off during bell-to-bell school day. Dual-purpose watches may be worn at school, but wireless/cellular features must be turned off during the school day (e.g., must be placed in airplane mode).
C. Outside of the bell-to-bell instructional time, cell phones and other personal electronic communication devices may be used on a high school campus before or after school.
D. Students, parents and educators are allowed to use school-based communication tools and platforms (whether in the office, classroom, or other centralized location) to communicate non-emergency and emergency needs during the school day and during instructional time. Each high school is required to develop a family-based emergency plan that will clearly indicate how parents and students will communicate in the event of an emergency or non-emergency situation.
E. Educators and all co-curricular and extra-curricular sponsors must use non-social media based apps during school hours for communications with students regarding school activities and the scheduling of athletic events.
F. All high schools are required to offer high school students developmentally appropriate guidance and support on the appropriate use of school-issued technology devices, educational apps, and educational tools for academic (both classroom and homework assignments) and for educational research purposes.
Section 6-23.5. Privacy and Respect; Prohibited Content and Use for All Students; Expectations. — A. All students are to respect the privacy of others. Taking photos or videos of classmates, peers, and staff is strictly prohibited on school property, including school buses, or while involved in school-related activities without prior approval of an administrator or staff member.
B. Students are not allowed to create, access, or share content that is incompatible with a K-12 educational environment while on school property, including school buses, or at school-sponsored events regardless of location. Examples include, but are not limited to:
(1) Content that is obscene, contains profanity, or that involves or threatens illegal acts.
(2) Content that bullies, harasses, threatens, or degrades others is strictly prohibited including the use of artificial intelligence to impersonate others.
(3) Videotaping misconduct is strictly prohibited and may result in disciplinary actions.
(4) Use of cell phones and wireless communication devices in restrooms or locker rooms is strictly prohibited. Photographing or videotaping other students in a state of undress in these or other areas of the school will result in discipline and may result in a referral to law enforcement.
(5) Use of cell phones and wireless communication devices to cheat or in ways that violate the school division’s acceptable use policy.
Section 6-23.6. Enforcement; progressive disciplinary action; search of cell phone prohibited limited exceptions. —
A. Teachers and staff are responsible for enforcing this regulation. Violations of this regulation may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the school handbook or code of conduct.
B. Disciplinary action will be progressive depending on the number of violations and may involve, but is not limited to, one or more of the following:
(i) written warning;
(ii) a phone call to the student’s parent or guardian; or
(iii) in-school suspension.
C. School officials will not search or otherwise manipulate cell phones of students unless
1. They reasonably suspect that the cell phone contains evidence of a violation of law or school policies;
2. There is an immediate threat to the safety and security of students, staff, or school property, such as threats or acts of violence;
3. The student voluntarily consents to the search of their cell phone, either verbally or in writing, without coercion; or
4. If there is a valid search warrant issued by a court of law authorizing search of the cell phone based on probable cause.
(Issued December 16, 2024)
Legal Authority – School Board Policy 9-11.6
The information above can also be found in the Suffolk Public School Board Regulation Manual.