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  • Communications & Community Engagement Department Staff:

    Anthonette Dickens, Communication and Community Engagement Officer
    Melvin Bradshaw, Community Engagement Facilitator
    Jerrel Thomas, Community Engagement Technician
    Kanitra Hatton, Social Media Specialist
    Terrence Sharrock, Digital Media Specialist
    Freda Robertson, Supervisor of Print Services

    The Community Engagement program includes the division's outreach efforts to the public through publications, special events, media relations, website outreach, video presentations, social media, and more.  

    The public information/community relations program helps the community understand how Suffolk Public Schools strives to provide each student with the best possible education. In addition, the program seeks to gain expanded community support for students, through the partners‐in‐education program, the community Volunteer Connect program, and organizations such as the Suffolk Education Foundation.